
Friday, November 11, 2016

Code Snippet: script code based on EPM environment

We may have some scripts which code differs from one environment to another. Maintaining different code for same script is a risky task.
What about having one single script which you can migrate into the other environments with no risks?
How can I make my code dynamic based on the EPM environment I'm working with?
Let's have a look!

Getting EPM environment based on FDMEE Server hostname

 Snippet:       Get environment running the script based on the FDMEE Server
 Author:        Francisco Amores
 Date:          11/11/2016
 Notes:         This snippet can be pasted in any event/custom/import script.
                Output will be logged in the FDMEE process log 
                This script uses socket python module
 Instructions:  Set log level (global or application settings) to 5 
                To add new servers, include an entry in the dictionary.
                You can get hostnames by executing command "hostname"
                from the command line in the FDMEE server(s).
 Hints:         Use this snippet to avoid having different script codes
                across environments. The right code will be executed
                at runtime based on the FDMEE server running the process
 FDMEE Version: and later

# import socket module
import socket

# Dictionaty for FDMEE Servers
# These are sample servers and should be replaced by existing ones
dictFDMEEServers = { 
                     "FDMEE_SERVER_DEV" : "DEV",
                     "FDMEE_SERVER_PROD1": "PROD",
                     "FDMEE_SERVER_PROD2": "PROD"

# get hostname
hostName = socket.gethostname()

# Assign envFDMEE based on FDMEE Server
    envFDMEE = dictFDMEEServers[hostName]
except KeyError, err:
    errMsg = "FDMEE Server does %s not exist in the dictionary dictFDMEEServers" % hostName
    raise RuntimeError(errMsg)
# Debug
fdmAPI.logDebug("FDMEE Server: %s (%s)" % (hostName, envFDMEE))

# ****************************************************************
# Specific Code for Development
# ****************************************************************
if envFDMEE == "DEV":
    # Debug
    fdmAPI.logDebug("Code for %s" % envFDMEE)
    # your code here

# ****************************************************************
# Specific Code for Production
# ****************************************************************
if envFDMEE == "PROD":
    # Debug
    fdmAPI.logDebug("Code for %s" % envFDMEE)
    # your code here 

# ****************************************************************
# Specific Code for Environment XXX
# ****************************************************************
if envFDMEE == "XXX":
    # Debug
    fdmAPI.logDebug("Code for %s" % envFDMEE)
    # your code here  

# ****************************************************************
# Code for all environments
# ****************************************************************

# your code here

Code snippets for FDMEE can be downloaded from GitHub.

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